Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Long Weekend!

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! I know for my US friends it was President's Day. Here in Canada it was Family Day. I didn't get to spend it with family, J had to work, but what else is new in that department. Mind you, I shouldn't talk because I had to work too! But I always have to work. When I'm not at my day job, I'm doing my <3 other job (photography).

I did this wedding on Sunday, and I just have to say... if you are planning on hiring a photographer, please ensure the following things.

1) Please decide on locations that YOU like. Please do not leave this task to the photographer if you know you don't like certain settings or have something specific in mind (but you do not tell them). Also have a BACK UP PLAN. Take the time to go for a consultation with your photographer to find locations that you would like.

2) Please do not have your photographer walk around your reception for 5 hours with nothing "specific" to do. You can only have so many pictures of people dancing and sitting. If you are having a photo booth, that's perfect because it gives them something to do.

I just had to vent for a minute, because while I love weddings, I try to point these things out to my couples before hand. Sometimes people listen, and sometimes they don't. Vent over.

Aside from that I did some editing and I had a massage which was nice. And another frappuccino. I'm terrible. lol

I also watched rich bride poor bride for the firs time since the wedding. YIKES. Some of the couples on there just make me wonder....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hello world!

I get home and sit down, and think "Boy, it's nice to be completely caught up on editing. What should I do with myself?" And then I remembered the fact that I am the WORST blogger ever...

I did not mean to leave you all for so so so long!!! I am mortified to think of how long it's been since I posted. At one point, THIS was my only means of expressing myself for so long, and I can't believe I abandoned it. It feels like I abandoned ME! But alas, I have returned. After a long hiatus (quite possibly 5 months or more... lol).


The Dominican was absolutely gorgeous and everything with the wedding was so stunning. Except me, I was kind of a disaster, BUT that doesn't matter because I married my absolute best friend in the entire world!

My new job is going incredibly well, and my photography.... well let's just say I freaking love my 2nd job. It's not even a job, it's just something that I so love to do that I don't really remember what my life was like before I started it. Well I do... but now it just seems so empty! I am so pumped for 2011, I have my very first destination wedding in April in Mexico, a wedding in Vancouver, another one back in my home town (not birth town though) of London, Ontario. So many exciting adventures, wonderful people, and cool places!!

What else is new.... OH I tried a Starbucks Frappucino (sp??) for the first time EVER. OH MY GOSH. How did I ever exist without these?! Probably the greatest discovery all year!

Anywho, I will depart for now, but promise to keep an updated blog. Not posting every 5 months or so, but I'll try to make it a weekly thing. :)